Archive for October, 2016

A message from the Dean

A message from the Dean

Welcome to another edition of This Month in CAS! As usual, there are many initiatives that are ongoing in the College, and this month’s edition details some of them.
Diversity and Inclusion are ideas that must be central to who we are as an institution.  The Office of the Provost is directing a number of initiatives […]

SIUE Grad student receives GA position from TREX

SIUE Grad student receives GA position from TREX

Applied Communication student Jessica Herman has received a graduate assistantship (GA) from St. Louis incubator for startup companies called Technology @ Railways Exchange (T-REX). The name itself was inspired by its original location for Technology at Railway Exchange before moving onto the thriving Washington Ave.
Herman, a first semester graduate student, is working for T-REX, as a […]

Philosophy professor Dr Cataldi examines trust through ‘Shutter Island’

Philosophy professor Dr Cataldi examines trust through ‘Shutter Island’

Philosophy professor Dr. Sue Cataldi has examined trust through by analyzing both the book and film Shutter Island. In the philosophy colloquium presented on Oct. 14, 2016, Dr. Cataldi delivered a presentation titled “Trust in Cinema through the Lens of Shutter Island.”
Though the film was her main scope of interest, Dr. Cataldi cross referenced the […]

Dido and Aeneas staged at Abbott Auditorium

Dido and Aeneas staged at Abbott Auditorium

The SIUE Opera Theatre has performed Dido and Aeneas at the Abbott Auditorium, housed in the Lovejoy Library. The performance was staged Oct. 14-15. Dr. Marc Schapman of the Department of Music, who is also the co-director of the SIUE Opera Theatre, directed the production.
Dido and Aeneas is a 17th century opera written by Henry […]

SIUE student wins Anthropology award

SIUE student wins Anthropology award

Graduate student Susannah Oettle has won an award for her contribution to Illinois anthropological studies.
Oettle, a graduate student in the Geography department, won an award for research conducted during her undergraduate studies. While in undergrad, Oettle was a double major in Anthropology and Geography. Though now solely in the Geography department, the research was conducted […]

SIUE students help Holiday Shores Fire Dept in traumatic exercise

SIUE students help Holiday Shores Fire Dept in traumatic exercise

SIUE students from the Department of Theater and Dance have aided the Holiday Shores Fire Department in an exercise pertaining to trauma survivors in the form of a bus crash.
Holiday Shores Fire Department Assistant Chief Steve Cooper reached out to the SIUE Theater and Dance department for assistance with makeup for a field exercise on […]

Profs Eric Ruckh and Jeff Skoblow read ‘Howl’

Profs Eric Ruckh and Jeff Skoblow read ‘Howl’

Dr. Eric Ruckh of the Honors Department and Dr. Jeff Skoblow have read the poem “Howl” by Allen Ginsberg.
They read “Howl” on the anniversary of its publication. This year marks the 13th anniversary of their reading the poem on the quad.
“Howl” is considered a landmark poem from the Beat Generation, though at the time of […]

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