Michael Shaw to accept the Paul Simon Teacher-Scholar award
Chemistry professor Michael Shaw will receive the Paul Simon Teacher-Scholar Award March 30, 2011 according to an email release by SIUE Associate Dean Christa Johnson.
“The SIUE Paul Simon Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award is presented to a faculty member in order to recognize the role of the interdependence between research and teaching,” said Johnson.
The award is an internal, highly competitive grant, valued at $5,000, that Shaw applied to receive.
“The award was established in 1988 by the late Senator Paul Simon, who was a longtime supporter of research on the SIU Carbondale and Edwardsville campuses,” said Shaw.
Faculty members who contribute original research or creative activities and integrate that research or creative activity into their teaching activities are encouraged to apply for the award according to the webpage about the award.
“It has been my career goal to use my research efforts to enrich my students lives in the teaching lab, the classroom, and the research lab,” said Shaw. “I believe these efforts have resulted in well-prepared graduates who excel at the challenges they encounter in their professional lives.”
Shaw believed that he found a home when he accepted the position at SIUE.
“I have never regretted my decision to accept the SIUE Department of Chemistry’s job offer in 1998. When I interviewed here, I saw a group of dynamic faculty who were committed to education and who recognized that undergraduate and M.S. research activities are a powerful tool for the development of student enthusiasm and ability,” wrote Shaw in his application for the award.
Shaw looks forward to continuing this work with his current students.
“My students get the most reinforcement of what it means to be a chemist through our day-to-day activities. I have tried to set up an environment like the one I enjoyed as a Ph.D. student, which is very much like an apprenticeship experience.”
Shaw met the late Senator Paul Simon when the opportunity presented itself in 2001.
“I had the pleasure of briefly meeting Mr. Simon in 2001 after the ceremony where Jim Trent was given the Paul Simon Award,” Shaw said.
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