Tag: "bryan lueck"

Professor makes case for phenomenology as method for religious studies

Professor makes case for phenomenology as method for religious studies

Dr. Kevin Hart, a leading voice in the application of phenomenology to the study of religion, discussed a widely-debated topic during the Philosophy Department’s annual Fritz Marti lecture March 18.
Dr. Kevin Hart, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia, speaks at the annual Fritz Marti lecture. (Photo by Joseph Lacdan)
Hart challenged a paper written […]

Lueck explores the experience of dignity at Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy conference

Lueck explores the experience of dignity at Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy conference

Many philosophers argue that dignity cannot be measured, compared or experienced, but philosophy professor Bryan Lueck challenges the notion of being unable to experience dignity.
Philosophy professor Bryan Lueck
“Most value [is] relative so you can compare people to each other on the same scale, but dignity has always been conceived as a value that’s not like […]

Philosophy professor discusses dignity at Northeast Modern Language Association

Philosophy professor discusses dignity at Northeast Modern Language Association

Philosophy professor Bryan Lueck has always been interested in the idea of dignity.
Philosophy professor Bryan Lueck
As such, that concept has been the focus for much of his research and the topic for his presentation last month at the Northeast Modern Language Association conference in Boston.
Lueck said he chose to study dignity because it is a […]

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