CSWE Conference an important opportunity for social work
Endeavoring to continue to increase the national presence of SIUE’s Department of Social Work, Larry Kreuger, professor of social work and chair of that department, along with two other social work faculty members, attended the 56th Annual Program Meeting for the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in Portland, Ore., from Oct. 14-17.
“The conference is the annual meeting with the council on social work education or the CSWE which is actually our national accrediting body,” explained Kreuger. “They’ll be here to do a site visit in another 18 months because we’re up for reaccreditation in both our master’s and bachelor’s programs. They’re a very important group.”Angela Kaiser, assistant professor of social work; Kathleen Tunney, associate professor of social work; and Carl Bentelspacher, associate professor of social work, submitted research to the conference and their submissions were accepted. Kaiser and Tunney accompanied Kreuger to the conference and gave presentations; Bentelspacher was unable to attend.
“Our new faculty member Angela Kaiser submitted her research on spirituality in social work and she had a juried poster session on Friday afternoon at the conference,” said Kreuger. “Kathleen Tunney presented research on the effectiveness of our simulated client lab and Carl Bentelspacher’s research looked at the life course trajectory of African American men.”
Kreuger also did a presentation which focused on the effects of natural disasters on children. He noted that the conference is a significant event not only for the scholarly discourse that it facilitates but also for its networking opportunities.
“I think the department’s reputation can be dramatically improved by having a national presence. One of my goals has been to try to increase the faculty publications and presentations in national—especially juried—conferences,” said Kreuger. “Also, it gives us an opportunity to meet other faculty and network.”

A poster by Angela Kaiser, assistant professor of social work. The poster was presented at the 56th Annual Program Meeting for the Council on Social Work Education in Portland, Ore.
The newest members of the Department of Social Work’s faculty—Kaiser and Hsin-hsin Huang, assistant professor of social work—were interviewed for their positions at the CSWE meeting last year in San Antonio, Texas.
Filed Under: Social Work