CAS Hands on Day Strikes Again
It’s that time of year again at SIUE, that magical time of year when the overbearing heat waves begin to dissipate, the leaves begin to turn, and undeclared students begin to wonder what on earth they’re going to do with their lives. Luckily, CAS hands on day is here again, with SIUE faculty lining up to give students a small glimpse into their disciplines as well as their guidance.
Hands on day began three years ago in an attempt to help undeclared students figure out what career path they would like to pursue. The goal of hands on day is to increase student retention rates, something that helps the students get their money’s worth out of their time at SIUE while simultaneously improving the universities prospects for federal and state funding. The live interactive demonstrations are meant to spark the interest of passing students, simultaneously breaking the ice between them and current students or faculty who they can then engage in discussion with about potential majors.
An unintended, although not at all unpleasant, side effect of the annual event is that it brings individuals, faculty and student alike, of all majors together in one spot to see what’s going on outside of their departments. You don’t have to stand around any booth for very long before you see faculty from other departments coming up to give the demos a whirl.
Last year hands on day was rained out on two separate occasions, so this year the decision was made to move things inside to the Meridian Ballroom. The move indoors seems to have reduced overall attendance to the event, however numerous students still found their way to eager faculty members who were ready and willing to offer information and in many cases free candy.
Filed Under: Happenings