Sociology department enthused about new faculty member
SIUE’s Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice Studies is singing the praises of its new hire, Georgiann Davis, a doctoral candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).
A quick perusal of Davis’ website, which details her extensive research and accomplishments, provides an explanation of the department’s enthusiasm. Davis, who starts at SIUE in fall 2011, currently teaches at UIC and part-time at Northeastern Illinois University.

Georgiann Davis, doctoral candidate at UIC, will be joining SIUE's Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice Studies in fall. Photo courtesy of G. Davis.
Davis’ areas of expertise are intersectionality, statistics and sexualities. Both her research and teaching have received recognition at the national level. For David Kauzlarich, department chair and professor of sociology and criminal justice studies, the list of reasons for welcoming Davis to the SIUE family is a lengthy one.
“We don’t have anyone in the department who has as much specialized knowledge in this [intersectionality and intersexuality] as her.” said Kauzlarich. “We noticed that a lot of students are interested in this and a lot of other sociology departments at other universities offer courses in it and so we figured it was time we did so also.”
Intersectionality, according to Kauzlarich, is the relationship between multiple oppressions and inequalities. Such inequalities may be based on socioeconomic class, poverty, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and sexual orientation. Davis is particularly interested in sexuality and intersexualities.
“Intersexuality is a term I use as an umbrella for over 20 different conditions involving children born with either internal and/or external genitalia that is inconsistent with their sex chromosomes,” explained Davis on her website. “Intersexuality does not usually require medical attention because it isn’t typically life threatening.”
The fact that intersexuality is not usually life-threatening, ironically, is the very reason that it is the source of powerful debate and even stigmatization for those born with such conditions.
“Given the absence of urgent medical need, there are strong debates on how intersexuality should be treated between medical professionals, parents, adult patients, and social movement activists,” Davis further explains on her site.

Georgiann Davis, doctoral candidate at UIC, has received national recognition for her research and teaching. Photo courtesy of G. Davis.
Davis’ research seeks to understand the debate on intersexualities and amend the harsh stigmatization of those existing outside of the parameters of what has been socially defined as sexual normalcy.
Outside of her specialized knowledge and compelling research, Davis also brings a fervor for teaching and mentoring students.
“I will bring a strong passion for research and teaching to an already thriving department. I will be teaching courses on gender and sexuality, as well as cover other core courses such as intro to sociology, statistics and methods, as needed,” Davis said. “Throughout my undergraduate and graduate training, I received life changing mentorship. I hope to
do the same for all of my students now and in the future.”
Filed Under: Sociology & Criminal Justice