Tag: "Bryan Arnold"

SETO to perform ‘The Adding Machine’ this week

SETO to perform ‘The Adding Machine’ this week

“The Adding Machine” explores deeper questions about humanity and technology, without answering them for the audience, according to senior theater major and director Kourtnee Brenner.

"The Adding Machine," a play produced by SETO opens this week
The SIUE Student Experimental Theater Organization (SETO) has produced and will perform the play written by Elmer Rice in 1922.
According to […]

“The Caretaker” provides intensely pitted portrayals among three-man cast

“The Caretaker” provides intensely pitted portrayals among three-man cast

Three-man cast of theater majors play two brothers and a homeless man in tense-filled play, “The Caretaker,” by Harold Pinter, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Photo courtesy of Bozark

“The Caretaker,” a 1960 play by Harold Pinter, will be performed by three students in the theater department who depict two brothers and a homeless […]

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