SIUE Sponsors the 35th Annual Applied Geography Conference
From October tenth through twelfth the Association of American Geographers (AAG) held their annual applied geography conference in Minneapolis. This conference is an opportunity for geography scholars to gather and discuss their current work.
The AAG is a nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to promoting scholarly discussion among geographers both in private industry and academia. The society was founded in 1904 and continues it’s efforts through annual meetings as well as publications.
As the name implies the applied geography conference focuses on applied geography research, or areas where geographers are actively using research to address real world problems. The applied nature of the conference has made it a particular favorite for SIUE faculty and students in the past.
“The conference has a very applied focus rather than theoretical,” Gillian Acheson shared, “That applied focus has been very attractive to our program.”
SIUE was well represented at the conference with four faculty members and one graduate student presenting on four key subjects of the conference: Gillian Acheson (Geography Eduction), Mark Hildebrandt (Applied Climatology), Shunfu Hu (GIS and Cartography Public Services), Stacey Brown (Geography of Health), and Sandy Ramage (Geography Education).
Aside from having participating faculty and students SIUE helped fund the conference as a sponsor. Sponsorship helps the conference supplement registration fees and helps promote SIUE’s geography program as the conference has been a great way to recruit graduate students in the past.
Filed Under: Geography