Inclusion, more than just a word

“The reason I chose ‘Inclusion’ as the name of this art exhibit is based on a feeling I had as a younger person… feeling not included,” said artist and curator Edna Patterson-Petty. “I didn’t want anyone else to feel that way.”

The exhibit is in the Morris University Center through March 2, in the second floor gallery.

“What inclusion means to me is artists and people coming together to celebrate the arts,” said Patterson-Petty. “The arts unite us all. It’s not black, it’s not white — it is a mixture of groups within the show.

The exhibit was scheduled to open the first week in February but was delayed because of the big snow storm.

“I called on friends and artists that I thought would work well together. As artists we all have a voice to tell our story,” said Patterson-Petty. “I think (gallery director) Paulette Myers made the magic that made it all work. I think those pictures are strong on their own, and she made them work together to tell a strong message. It worked.”

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  1. llafond says:

    I have had opportunity to view this exhibit and would highly recommend it. Given my own academic roots in English and linguistics I found the work of Jane Birdsall Lander and Sarah Brewer Birdsall quite interesting. Well done!

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