Headpot to be displayed in Arkansas
A piece of the University Museum at SIUE will be on its way to Arkansas Monday, February 14, according to Eric Barnett, director of the University Museum.

Headpot that will be on display in Arkansas from the SIUE University Museum. picture courtesy of the University Museum.
Mary Anne Parker of the Parkin Archeological State Park of Parkin Arkansas requested that SIUE loan the headpot for a two-year exhibit, according to an email provided by Barnett.
Parker is creating an exhibit that will document the Hernando de Soto expedition in eastern Arkansas. de Soto was a Spanish soldier and explorer who defeated several tribes of Native Americans in the Alabama and Arkansas region in the 1540’s before dying in 1542, according to encyclopedia.com.
The SIUE headpot will be one of seven headpots that will be on display for the larger exhibit.
According to a book providing headpot information, ‘The Headpots of Northeast Arkansas and Southern Pemiscot County, Missouri,’ the headpot is one of a style that was called ‘melon head’ by Jack Roberts. The artifact was found in Crittenden Co., Arkansas, at a site that is called the Bradley site.
“Since [the book] was published, interest in [the headpot] and in the University has increased,” said Barnett.
The headpot will be picked up by several employees of the State Park and will be hand delivered to Parker.
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