Welcome Message from the Dean

Dean of CAS College of Arts and Sciences Gregory Budzban 08-07-15

Dean of CAS College of Arts and Sciences Gregory Budzban 08-07-15

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the first edition of This Month in CAS!

As most of you recall, the previous publication, This Week in CAS, had to be put on hold due to budget cuts.  However, canceling TWIC  entirely would mean that the wonderfully creative work accomplished by our excellent faculty, staff, and students would not get the recognition that activity richly deserves.  A monthly publication seemed like a workable compromise.  Many thanks to the Department of Mass Communications for helping to coordinate the effort and assuring that the publication is updated online.

I hope you enjoy this issue, and the issues to come.  Feel free to send me suggestions for future articles, or just comments in general.

Best wishes,

Greg Budzban

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

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