Segue’s 100th Episode

Segue logoOn February 2, 2013, the SIUE College of Arts and Sciences’ radio program Segue aired it’s hundredth episode. Airing on WSIE, the weekly program features the work of SIUE faculty, staff, alumni, students, and visiting scholars.

Segue began broadcasting on March 6, 2011, and has aired an original program every week since it’s first broadcast. Over time the show has grown to include web video broadcast, remote shoots, and a wider variety of guest.

“The idea for the show occurred to me after first meeting with the faculty of the college and noting how very diverse they were as people and as teachers and scholars,” host Aldemaro Romero shared, “My objective has always been to make the guest feel comfortable and to showcase their work.”

For the hundredth episode of segue the Department of Mass Communications put together a special round table edition where six former guest returned for the opportunity to turn the tables on Romero and ask questions about the show and other CAS outreach initiatives. This weeks special edition and all previous episodes are available at:

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